Travelling Alone in Costa Rica

Bailey Rising
5 min readFeb 22, 2022

I’ve been wanting to travel alone for years, but as a young female, I’ve been super nervous to actually do it.

Everyone always tells you not to travel alone.

You’ll get ripped off, robbed, kidnapped, or worse. I mean fuck everyone knows the movie Taken…

I never wanted to listen to this fear based thinking. I always wanted to follow my interests and just pull the trigger to travel solo.

It’s always been in the back of my mind. Wanting to just pick up and run away somewhere by myself.

Travelling alone has always been so appealing to me. Not having to compromise or think of anyone but myself sounds right up my ally.

I want to do what I want, when I want, on my own accord with absolutely no one else to take into consideration. I’m a selfish bitch what can I say..

I enjoy my own company, I’m very capable and logical. I’m usually the one who figures out all the things when I go on trips with others.. so why not just do it by myself?

I was on a girls trip to Tulum a few weeks ago when I met this girl. She told me of all her solo travel adventures. I had lots of questions for her like: did you feel safe? We’re you scared? Where should I or shouldn’t I go?

She assured me that travelling alone is not all that scary like the media makes it out to be. I then realized that all this information about travelling alone and how dangerous it was, had either come from the media, or people who had never done it.

I’d never asked people who actually travel alone. Huh. What a revelation.

This girl I met strongly encouraged me to travel alone while I’m young and to do it now.

Well fuck. I was already in Mexico. I had enough money to keep travelling for a while. I started thinking more and more about cancelling my flight home and just going somewhere else for a while… alone.

I had a friend living in Costa Rica for a couple months already. I had wanted to go to Costa Rica for a couple years. Seeing his posts made me want to go even more and made it feel not so out of reach.

I messaged him and asked about where I should go, where to fly into, and where I should stay. He helped reassure me that I could do it and I’d be fine.

I sorted out all the details and booked my hostel based on his recommendations. Then I booked my flight.

Mexico ✈️ Costa Rica

And it was official. I was going.

I immediately felt so excited and liberated knowing I was actually going to do it. I was going to live out a dream of mine. I was proud of myself.. but still a bit nervous.

I was able to book my shuttle from the airport to my hostel through my hostel which I definitely recommend doing if you’re able to. It made me feel safer knowing I had a trustworthy ride waiting at the airport for me.

Staying at a hostel also made me feel pretty safe. If you’re travelling alone as a female I recommend choosing a hostel because there’s always people around, and also people in your room!

Even if you want a private room, hostels still feel pretty safe from my experience. The ones I’ve stayed at here in Tamarindo have had security guards, and no one gets in at night who’s not staying there.

Definitely way safer than I would feel staying in an air bnb by myself.

Overall I’ve felt pretty safe in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. There’s a lot of tourists/backpackers here.

The only thing about Tamarindo is the local men can be very creepy and bother you a lot. If you’re sensitive to being cat called 24/7 then take warning on that one.

As long as you follow basic safety logic you’ll be totally fine here. You know, don’t be out alone at night, don’t get into unmarked random “taxis” unless they’re a referral you trust, leave important belongings locked up in your room, that kind of stuff.


  • Travel with a Fanny pack either around your waste or around one shoulder, you know like those little side bags that drug dealers carry? Ya. But like maybe lululemon instead of Gucci. This is an easy way to keep belongings safe from being pickpocketed. It holds your stuff securely infront of your body like this:
  • Lock up your passport, extra money and electronics in your room – duh.
  • Keep a close eye on your phone, if you can’t do that put it in your bag zipped up. Lots of people have had phones stolen.
  • Don’t get in unmarked taxis, try to get ride referrals from the place you’re staying or another trustworthy local.
  • Don’t walk alone at night. It’s way safer to be in a group at night if you’re going out. If you can make some friends to stick with, or have some guys in your group, even better.
  • Make friends with the hostel staff. They’re locals who know the area, ask them for recommendations!
  • Put yourself out there, be friendly, making friends while travelling alone is so easy (in a hostel especially), you may end up meeting the most amazing people, people who will be not only good travel companions but friends for life.

Best tip of all:

Proceed with caution, not with fear.

Of course it’s important to be cautious and careful and make smart choices, but don’t live your life out of fear.

Don’t let fear hold you back from shit you’ve always wanted to do.

Life is too short. Take the chance, book the trip. You won’t ever regret it for a second.



Bailey Rising

Hey MTV, welcome to my travel and lifestyle blog where I share with you my travel tips, experiences and personal stories. IG & TikTok @bailey.rising